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The total amount of working hours in this package is calculated by adding the estimated hours for each part of the service:
  • Initial Consultation and Research: 17 hours

  • Brand Strategy Development: 26 hours

  • Brand Identity Design: 34 hours

  • Brand Voice and Messaging: 14 hours

  • Brand Launch Plan: 20 hours

Total hours = 17 + 26 + 34 + 14 + 20 = 111 hours

The total amount of working hours in this package is 111 hours.

  • To estimate a conservative timeline for completing this project, assuming you're working on two projects simultaneously, we need to account for the time you can realistically dedicate to each project within a typical workweek.

  • Let's assume the following:

  • You work a standard 40-hour week.

  • You split your time evenly between the two projects.

  • This means you can allocate 20 hours per week to each project.

  • With a total of 111 hours needed to complete one project, the timeline can be calculated as follows:

  • Total weeks=Total hoursHours per week=11120≈5.55Total weeks=Hours per weekTotal hours​=20111​≈5.55

  • Given this calculation, a conservative estimate would be around 6 weeks to complete one project, accounting for potential minor delays or additional coordination time needed when managing multiple projects.

  • Thus, if you are working on two projects simultaneously and can consistently dedicate 20 hours per week to each, you should be able to complete this brand development project in approximately 6 weeks.

Estimating Work Hours Per 

  • Total Cost Calculation:
  • Total cost before the 10% increase: $7,215
  • Adding 10%: $7,215 * 1.10 = $7,936.50
  • Payment Plan:
  • Split into two payments: $7,936.50 / 2 = $3,968.25 per payment

  • Summary for $65 per Hour Package:
  • Total Cost with 10% Increase: $7,936.50
  • Payment Plan: Two payments of $3,968.25 each

Payment Plan $65

Let's Talk 🙃

  • Total Cost Calculation:

  • Total cost before the 10% increase: $10,545

  • Adding 10%: $10,545 * 1.10 = $11,599.50

  • Payment Plan:

  • Split into two payments: $11,599.50 / 2 = $5,799.75 per payment

  • Summary:

  • $95 per Hour Package:

  • Total Cost with 10% Increase: $11,599.50

  • Payment Plan: Two payments of $5,799.75 each

Payment Plan $95

Total Cost Calculation:
Hourly Rate: $125
Total Hours: 111
Total cost before the 10% increase: 111 hours * $125/hour = $13,875
Adding 10%: $13,875 * 1.10 = $15,262.50
Payment Plan:
Split into two payments: $15,262.50 / 2 = $7,631.25 per payment
$125 per Hour Package:
Total Cost with 10% Increase: $15,262.50
Payment Plan: Two payments of $7,631.25 each


Payment Plan $125